Sep 22 2011

Analise ’12 Senior West Aurora

Published by Jan at 2:27 pm under senior

Analise is from a repeat family.  I did her sister Chelsea 2 years ago in the same location – Mt. St. Mary Park in St. Charles.  Her only request – I don’t want all my pictures to look the same as my sisters!  Mission accomplished – even though it was the same location they are definitely have Analise’s touch.  She was so happy when she saw them!  A little bit about Analise:
3 things people would be surprised to learn about you

- my favorite animal is a pig

- I play volleyball

- I don’t like school

3 things you couldn’t live without

- my phone

- my family

- food

Fav movie or book

The Notebook

I have NEVER…

been skydiving

3 pet peeves

- my sister

- people being late

- people not following rules

3 foods for a year, what would they be?

- pizza

- ice cream

- sloppy joes

If you won the lottery, what would you buy first?

a new car for my mom

If you could ask one person (dead or alive) 1 question – who would you ask and what would you ask them?

Taylor Swift – what is it like being famous?

If I had 24 hours to live, I would…

go to Costa Rica with my family

Fav class or teacher in HS. Why?

My favorite class was Algebra 1 & 2 because I loved my teacher

What are your after graduation plans? (college & major, work etc.)

community college – nursing program

And then a couple “would your rather” just becasue they are fun!

Would you rather

X never watch TV again - OR  -

never use the internet again

Would you rather

X Be able to read everyone’s mind  - OR -

always know the future

Would you rather

Get caught with your fly unzipped  -OR -

X get caught singing in the car

Would you rather

Always lose -OR -

X never play

And some of my favorites:

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