Oct 28 2011

Jake ’12 Burlington Central

Published by Jan at 9:03 am under pet,senior

Jake’s session was held in his beautiful rural Elgin backyard.  They have gorgeous, LARGE trees and even a stream that runs through their property.  Thank goodness for bug spray because the mosquitoes wanted to carry us off!  Here is a little bit about Jake:

3 things people would be surprised to learn about you

- I listen to heavy music

- my room is clean (right now)

- I’ve never tried sushi

3 things you couldn’t live without

- phone

- iPod

- car

I have NEVER…


3 pet peeves

- rudeness

- taking care of brothers

- slow drivers

3 foods for a year, what would they be?

- mac & cheese

- burgers

- pizza

If you won the lottery, what would you buy first?

nice car

If you could ask one person (dead or alive) 1 question – who would you ask and what would you ask them?

Grandpa Larry – what was my mom like as a kid?

If I had 24 hours to live, I would…

eat at some really nice restaurants

Fav class or teacher in HS. Why?

History – I always loved learning about the past

What are your after graduation plans? (college & major, work etc.)

Hopefully DePaul majoring in Computer Science to become a Web Developer

And then a couple “would your rather” just becasue they are fun!

Would you rather

X never watch TV again - OR  -

never use the internet again

Would you rather

Be able to read everyone’s mind  - OR -

X always know the future

Would you rather

Get caught with your fly unzipped  -OR -

X get caught singing in the car

Would you rather

X Always lose -OR -

never play

Some of my favorites from Jake’s session:

And although his dog KC LOOKS ferocious she is a real sweetheart!

Hope you hear positive news about DePaul.  Enjoy your senior year at Central!

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